Ang Buhay Ko...
Things happened these past few weeks that have made me reevaluate my life. Some are still unresolved and involves the possibility of a health crisis involving my mom that I don’t want to dwell about because I fear the outcome; one involves my career as to what I want to do for the immediate future; and one on the path where I see myself going.
For now at least, I have the clear cut vision to work for my
familial debts and to insure at least, that I pay back my mom for all she did
for me all these years. That means working in the usual pace to fulfill that
obligation. I just wish that she’ll be there and strong enough to see it
through because losing her is not something that is acceptable. She is the
anchor that holds me at this point in time to the current path I’ve chosen. I
haven’t repaid her yet for all her sacrifices and pain…
I’m going back to school. This is definite. After paying off
what I need to pay off, I’m gonna go back to school and upgrade myself. I talked
to a townmate just yesterday asking him about an opening in the company he
worked with and he told me rather pointedly ‘Baken mo bagay ay men obla asnan isuntuna ay trabaho. Ay samo men
handsaw, men riprap, men grind nan kaparparehom? Baken ka peon. Nan bagay mo et
mangupisina.’ (You are not fit to work in this line of work. Does someone
like you operate handsaws, do construction or grind metal? You are not a laborer. You are more fit in an
office setting.) Literally, it might be insulting but in context it is rather
sobering. It’s not that I cannot do manual work or that I hate manual work; it’s
just that my best work comes with working with my mind than my hands. He knew
this and reminded me in not so subtle words.
He is right. Not to be boasting or anything, but I am more
effective as a cerebral worker than a laborer. I can weld and use a grinder and
I would not back off working the dirty jobs, mind you. I can work my ass off like
everybody else but perhaps I need to see first if I can use my mind to see how
far I can go.
So I am going back to school. I’m gonna risk it all on a
student loan or a grant (if available) and finish a science course. I think I can
do it, I have the confidence to do it. That will take the next three years of
my life or maybe even four. It would be a risky endeavor. I’ll be taking in
debt and living off a meager allowance but the possible results afterwards
might be worth it.
I can stick to my job or find a $17-21/hr laborer job
instead and go get my dreams that way as a simple laborer or tech; or gamble it
all for a much better rate after a few years sacrificed to school. I’m gonna
choose school. In a year or so, I’ll be taking that path and pray that I will
be making the right decision.
This choice is made easier by the fact that I am alone. A
family man wouldn’t be able to make this gambit. Kids, bills, mortgages and other
costs conspire to keep family men on a particular career path. They do not have
the luxury of saying: stop, I’m gonna do this. They have to think of the food
that they will buy for their family, about the gas for the car and the
bottomline of their credit cards.
Perhaps it is an advantage that I am not troubled by these
I still would like to get married someday, though… but not
in a marriage of the traditional sense. I want a partner who’ll be my best
friend more than anything. The reason
probably that I haven’t made any advances on women is the fact that I will not be
marrying to get kids or to have a traditional family setup. If I marry, I will
be giving my wife her full freedom to pursue her own dreams without being
restricted by the usual roles that wives fill. I am an artist (a writer, poet)
with a rather liberal outlook on love.
Love does not mean that a wife will have to be home always
to cook, do the laundry or to be there to coo over the husband, or to be a
babymaker, or to be a full time mother. Motherhood is a choice and not
mandatory. I will stand by that. Indeed, I would like a kid or two someday, but
it is something that must come about because it is mutually decided upon. I prefer
a woman who knows what she wants in life and is not afraid to go at it than the
traditional wife who lives only for her children and her house.
Most women would not understand this of course. I’ve yet to
meet someone who might want this kind of life. Most prefer to have kids and
work for the future of the kids. It is noble of course, but they lose something
in the process. And it is unfair on children – to pin all our hopes and dreams
on their innocent shoulders.
So yeah, I’m perfectly ok with my future partner living independently
from me. As long as there is mutual respect and loyalty to the vows made in
marriage, I’m perfectly fine. Hehe. I’m even ok with having separate bedrooms
if that will keep the peace. Hehe.
What I ask is that she returns the favor to let me lose
myself in my writing for a few odd days in a month; to not mind my books and
the basement clutter; to understand my fascination with anime and action
figures and to let me keep my beard. Hehe. And to understand if I keep odd
hours and understand that I would seem lost in thought at some moments.
And to have dinner out on Fridays at least and to meet
together for dinner and talk about our day and share a few laughs. Breakfast and
lunch may be within our own times or shared, it doesn’t matter. As long as the
lines of communications are open and mutual respect is shared between both. And
to dance awkwardly to music and laugh about it, to share a glass of wine during
clear nights to watch the stars and talk…that’s my slice of heaven right there.
And maybe children will come later…or maybe not. I’m not
that particular with regards to kids. When and if they come, they must be born
out of love and not necessity…something like that, at least.
The worst case scenario of course, is for me to keep at the
path I am currently treading. And it is acceptable.
To devote the next ten years or fifteen years of life
working to pay a student debt and to help my siblings (which they are more than
capable of doing themselves) and to create a financial portfolio that will
support me in the twilight of my years. Where I can indulge with my interests
in a rather lonely existence.
It has its downsides, of course. Every path has its own
So maybe I’ll die alone surrounded by my books with my last
moments wondering if I have made the right choice. Or maybe I’ll die with
someone by my side be that a wife who’s also my best friend or with a loving
family around me…
Whatever the future holds, at least I can say with
confidence that I have made my choices and whether I’ll regret them someday or
not, at least no one can ever say that I did not choose to live a full life
because whatever the outcome, I am determined to live…
And this is who I am…