Global Economics
©2011 Johnny
All Rights Reserved
There are a few subjects in college that we considered
boring and downright unwelcome because (1) We don’t know how it will affect us
(2) It seems pointless; (3) It is superhard; (4) the teachers are the most
boring. We enter these classes because it is a course requirement but deep
inside we hated them and hoped they were never part of our lives.
One such subject is economics. It has something to do with
money and numbers and interest rates that made our brains whirl with agony. It
looks quite simple initially, with its principals, interest rates, payback
period and depreciations but as we delved deeper into its subject matter, most
of us became overwhelmed by the strange concepts and we bleed our minds
calculating the numbers asked by our professors who seem to take joy seeing us
But Economics, despite its rather tedious(?) and difficult
nature is actually one of the greatest subjects that all men should be familiar
with. Why? Look around you…
Your life, in general, is governed by economic principles.
Your state of living, your way of living and the material status you aspire for
or live with is a direct effect of economic variables.
As of the time of this writing, the US has finally passed a
bill aiming to raise their debt ceiling. It has, if you’ve noticed, caused the
stock market averages to drop significantly into a historic low. Add to this,
the worsening debt crisis in Europe and the uncertainty of global markets have
given rise to the newest scenario of a double dip recession.
And ‘recession’ dear friends, whether originating in the US
or any other western nation is something that everyone should fear. Because like
it or not, we are all living in a global world where every push and pull of the
market has repercussions on everybody.
A debt default by the US will affect import/export
economies: both those directly or indirectly affected by US demand. When economies
are hard hit, jobs will tumble; when jobs become scarce, social benefits will
be strained; when social benefits are strained, it fosters social problems; and
social problems brings out the worst in people.
Racism, bigotry, hate, discrimination, crime, and other
social ills thrive in a bad global economy. Security both physical, mental and
fiscal will be threatened…
And no one is spared from this. Not even a farmer tilling
his fields in the highlands of the Cordillera or a beggar in the streets of a
third world country. We are all affected, in one way or another.
One wishes of course for a much rawer time when the
social/fiscal ills of one country cannot affect another this much but those
times are long past. We are now globally intertwined, whether we like it or
not; whether we know it or not...