Dennis Rodman
I liked Dennis Rodman, the basketball player. It was a
love-hate relationship however, with respect to his outrageous personality. I
hated his hedonistic lifestyle and his loose morals to be honest but beyond
that of course, I couldn’t help but have a grudging respect for his
truthfulness to himself.
Because whatever it is that might have defined him as a bad
boy that has continually made him the poster boy of moral degeneracy, he at
least had the courage and the will to assert his vision of himself in his life.
For the most part, he has been true to himself.
That is what I admire in him.
Because, frankly, I can never be like that.
Like everyone else, I have certain social norms that hold me
back. I am restricted by societal roles that I must fulfill. My shoes as an
adult has been made for me, chosen by a lot of factors that have molded me to
become what I am today.
Like I cannot say the f-word because doing so would violate
the personality that people have thought of me. I cannot be weak-minded because
people see me as a strong independent spirit. I cannot be wasted because
frankly, if I did get wasted, I would no longer be the JD that people knew. I’m
supposed to be dependable and responsible. To go against that would be a
sacrilege that would be hard to get over with.
But Dennis, he defied it. He went against the brand that
society has imposed on the individual and despite hurting the people he loved
and getting the scorn of most people who thought his antics to be over the top,
he at least had a small measure of satisfaction that he was true to himself.
The price he paid and will pay however, is quite staggering.
He wasn’t a good father, he had admitted. He is lucky his wife is a strong
woman and she has raised their kids with a lot of love and strength. And if
heaven exists, he would literally have to walk through the eye of a needle to
get through.
He is selfish. He is a hedonist. He is in the eyes of a
fundamental Christian, quite immoral. Human freedom with its extremes – not exactly
a role model.
But I would be remiss also to ignore that he has some good
qualities – truthfulness to himself (even when its self-destructive) for one.
I won’t ever have Dennis’s courage, however. And neither
will majority of people. The real us remains hidden inside the personalities we
show outwardly to the world surfacing only when we are alone in the shower with
nobody within earshot.
And I do say the f-word at times. And I am no saint – I’m a
sinner like everyone else…