The Games we Play 2
Ain’t life crazy?
It has a crazy sense of humor, for one… Just when you
thought that you are set for one direction in life, it throws you a bread crumb
and once more, you are caught in the chaotic spiral of its grasp. I couldn’t
help but smile with this realization… It denies you and then just at the last
minute when you feel down like you’re just at the point of surrendering, it
finds a way to draw you back.
And it doesn’t fail to surprise you.
I feel like that horse with the proverbial carrot dangling
in front of him – so tantalizingly close yet so frustratingly far…
You know how we all have our dream persons?
You know, that person that we meet in life who makes us
pause… Not in the heart stopping effect of mad love or the fleeting spike of
pulses of a powerful physical attraction – but rather in the almost random surprising
but rather painful thump of the heart when you see someone who you’re
immediately attracted to but who is, in the same breadth, someone you can never
hope to have…
Just like that. You realize that you are probably in love but
your instinct tells you that you will never have a chance… So you keep away and
go on with your life knowing that you both are meant for different paths that
will never meet.
And when we daydream, sometimes that memory comes unbidden
and one smiles inwardly wondering whatever happened to her (or him, if you are
a girl)…
You accept the fact, of course, that she is better off with
someone else that’s not you. It is a love that will remain unuttered, kept in
the recesses of your heart, hidden from even the person that will ultimately
capture your ring finger. This fact is accepted when you first lay eyes on this
dream person. You are satisfied to know only that at least in a brief instant
and in your dreams at least, you could imagine a future that included her.
But life is crazy, sometimes…
I’d venture to say that life is mad…
Inexplicably, the paths that were never supposed to meet
somehow find a point where they cross each other. And everything that you once
held only as images in a dream, suddenly come cascading down to clash with
reality. Your carefully ordered life becomes a riotous mess – in a good way and
life tempts you with the impossibility of a dream coming true.
That sucks to say the least…
Like the feeling you get when this situation comes up: As a
child, you dream of being a pilot, a dream that might be unreachable due to
your station in life but as a child, you allow yourself to revel in that
innocent dream. When you grow up and realize that it is unreachable, you bury
it with your childhood memories and you become something else. Then when you
see a plane, you smile inwardly as you remember that dream. What’s cruel is
when suddenly out of the blue just when you are settled with your life, the opportunity
to be a pilot suddenly drops on your lap. And suddenly your mind is in chaos –
that’s how it’s like…
Life is crazy…
So what do you do?
I myself ask that question…
And honestly I have no answers –
You still have the feeling of being undeserving, that
someone else is meant to be that person to the one you dream of… but it wars
with the nagging voice in your head that exhorts you to try…
And life seems to toy with you. Like that carrot in front of
that horse…
And I couldn’t help but smile at the irony of it all…