The Door...
Copyright 2011 Johnny Domawa
All Rights Reserved
Life is a
series of ups and downs
carved in the faces of hills and valleys
In rugged
peaks and rolling plains
In calm
meadows and turbulent deserts
Ever changing,
ever shifting –
I stand
In the
moment called now
I stand
immobile against the blue skies
Questions fly
at my mind
From fathomless
directions, I cringe
Is it –
The road
before me remains unknown
The winds of
change blows ever forward
Behind me,
the madness of life growls like a starving lion
In the
periphery of my vision, Despair beckons
Garbed in
the cloth of fear and uncertainty
Loneliness in
the guise of solitude –
And here I pause
Before me
lies a door
Is it real?
I long to find
To reach out
and feel its texture to my touch
But fear
stays and numbs my mind
What if it it’s
a mere mirage cast by the storms of life
A cruel joke
that fate has dealt –
An image
from a half remembered dream
A trick of
vision from suppressed hopes
An unanswered
prayer –
To float – I
To close my
eyes and open them to see
The truth –
To see it
still there before my eyes
To prick
myself with a thousand daggers
And it’d
still be there –
I tremble
with unexplained emotions
My throat is
dry and my knees tingle
The Cheshire
cat’s grin appears on my face
And for a
moment, I can almost feel
The symphony
of Aphrodite’s lyre from across the dunes
That warm
glow of early sunshine draped
Across a
dew-kissed grassland that awakens
To a wonderful
new day –
And still a
stray thought comes to me
Like a jolt
of lightning piercing a summer day
What if this
door that stands before me now –
If I reach
out and turn the knob
If the cold
metal that beckons –
Won’t budge –
If this door
is shut from within
If it’s key
belongs to someone else –
My mind
quakes with questions –
Should I turn
away and refrain from trying?
Which is
To try and
know the cold sensation caused
By a
possibility denied and shut?
Or to walk
on by –
To always
wonder in the long road ahead
What if?
The wind
howls as it races on its way
Beyond the
door the future lies or not…
The grace of
God – in prayer’s unuttered
I stand
immobile in this place
Where life
is made –
A crossroad
A door…